
While hundreds of Romanian nurses go to Austria to care for the elderly, our grandparents are looked after by Nepalese. 23 nurses from Nepal work at the Calarasi Center for the Elderly.

Some of them arrived here since July 2019, others at the beginning of this year. The coronavirus crisis has hit them in our country. They came for a double salary. And as they have their meals and accommodation covered, they can save money.

We are in the locality of Nuci, in the municipality of Suceava, 30 kilometers from Bucharest. In the Center for the Elderly that is located here, 150 grandparents live.

Mariana Melinger, the owner of the Center for the Elderly: Many of them don’t even know what coronavirus means, what pandemic means. They sometimes watch TV, but in reality they are not affected. They have the same life they had two months ago.

After the virus arrived in Romania, the center closed. Visits were prohibited. As are employee departures. It wasn’t difficult, because most of the nurses are Nepali.

Mariana Melinger, the owner of the Center for the Elderly: We have employees who only returned home after two months. Upon returning, they were quarantined and tested. Until the results arrived, they were isolated. We are not in danger.

Babu is one of 23 Nepalis who arrived in Nuci to work. The standard of living in his home country forced him to emigrate.

Khatri Babu, Nepalese nurse: You can find work in Nepal, but the salary is very low. You can’t save. Here is different. We send 50% to the family, save 50%. I’ve been here for 15 months. At first it was difficult, because it was something new and I had problems understanding the Romanian language.

He also worked in nine other countries, but here he feels like he’s the best.

Khatri Babu, Nepalese nurse: speaks Romanian, then switches to English: After eating, we do sports. At 11 o’clock we have a snack, then we go to the bathroom, we take a shower. At 3:00 pm we go back to the table. So we give them something to do to keep them busy. At 17:00 we give them a snack, at 19:00 dinner. And then we helped them get to their room, and we dressed them in pajamas.

Dada also left his family in Nepal for double pay.

Pun Dada Sing, Nepali nurse: Of course I miss my family. Our contract is for a period of two years. I have a family, a daughter.

Mariana Melinger, the owner of the Center for the Elderly: We started with four, six, eight, then we hired 16. We continued to multiply them because we saw that things were going well. The job market has thawed, so Romanian employers are looking for foreign workers again.

Anne Marie Stavri, specialist at a recruitment company: Workers in Asia are much more conscientious. We are talking about cheaper labor. Workers from Asia come here to work for salaries of 400, 500, 600 dollars. They are always willing to work overtime.

30000 foreign workers would come to Romania this year.


Source: https://observatornews.ro/social/batrani-calarasi-ingrijiti-nepalezi-363235.html

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